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Before You Install a Fence

Before You Install a Fence

Preparing for Your Fence Repair / Replacement/Installation

What are the top 4 things to do before your next fence replacement or installation of a new fence not there now.

Determine Property Lines

The existing fence is not an accurate way to determine where the property lines are established and could lead to complications and expenses in the future if not done correctly. The best way to determine your property boundaries is to have the plot plan or survey reviewed and finding the property pins. If this is the case, we recommend calling a surveying company to have them marked.

Underground Utilities

Call 811 (http://www.call811.com/when-to-call/fence.aspx) and have a quick free survey done for underground utility lines to prevent any time loss due to a utility line being cut during the post hole digging process. They will connect you with Underground Service Alert of Northern California.

Sprinkler Lines

If you know of any sprinkler lines or heads that might be hidden and/or running along the fence line, please let us know so that our crews can make sure to take extra special care around these during both the fence removal and fence installation processes.

Plants, Shrubs, and Trees

If your project requires your old fence to be removed, then you should take action to determine which vegetation needs to be protected. Any vines grown on the existing fence will be damaged and are almost impossible to save. Trees in the fence line will have to be boxed around and will require additional charges. Fantastic Fence never recommends that trees be cut down.

Removing your old fence

Before we remove your old fence or gate, we ask that you remove anything you have attached or hanging that you would like to keep. Fantastic Fence will tear out all of panels first, and the posts last. Depending on the terrain and type of fence, Fantastic Fence Construction and Repair Inc. of Roseville, Ca will remove the entire post along with the footing, or cut the post three inches below ground level and bury under original top soil. In every case, Fantastic Fence will dig post holes for your new fence to the correct footing specifications and secure it with concrete.
