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Deer Fencing in Auburn and Grass Valley Areas

Deer Fencing in Auburn and Grass Valley Areas

If deer are wreaking havoc on your garden, you’re probably looking for ways to deer-proof it. The good news is that deer fences are a great solution and we install this type of fences for many residential and commercial customers each your area.

A deer-proof garden fence doesn’t have to be unsightly – it can be stylish and practical while still protecting your precious plants.

Make sure to pick deer fencing materials that actually deter deer, and plan out the fence height carefully to ensure deer don’t slip underneath. Before you know it, you’ll have a deer-free garden thanks to your deer-proof fence!

Living out in the Californian countryside is beautiful and relaxing; growing plants can be a great way to make your garden look beautiful. But living among nature can also bring its own challenges, like deer invading your garden.

Sure, we love deer as much as the next person; these majestic beasts are truly something to behold.

However, when a deer starts eating your garden or yard plantings, you might not feel as relaxed as you were before! We cannot blame the deer and other animals for wanting to enjoy your new vegetable garden or your freshly blooming flowers because they are hungry and your yard looks delicious.

When Bambi and his family come for a snack in your garden, the deer-proof fence needs to come out.

In our area, we see a lot of people put up no climb woven wire in the Loomis, Penryn, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Forest Hill, and El Dorado Areas.

What Is the Best Fence to Keep Deer Out?

During a free fence consultation our fence experts will ask you about how big a property you are trying to enclose and many feet of fencing you are trying to run.

Additionally, they will look at where the sits in relation to your home, because this will tell them a little about if this fence needs to be just functional or functional and aesthetically pleasing.

If you have a lot of fencing to install and the fence sits back away from the field of view of your home, you might want a more basic version of a woven wire mesh fence on T-posts or peeler cores.

If the fence sits more in a more prominent part of your yard, you might want to dress it up with a redwood cap and rails. Both are equally as functional and depending on the setting, both are great solutions.

The most basic style, as mentioned above, is T-post and Wire. This solution involved driving steel T-posts into the ground and then setting peeler core or 2 3-/8-inch galvanized steel tension posts. After the posts are set, the wire is put up and tensioned. Since all of the items have protective coatings to be out in the weather, they last for decades and decades without any need for repairs.

The second option is to install a wire fence with a wood framing. Some folks install taller version of these redwood and wire fences. They look fantastic with a top cap board and two rails. This might be a great choice if you are creating a specific garden area that you are trying to highlight.

How Tall Should a Deer Fence Be?

The height of a deer fence will depend on the size of the deer in your area and your specific needs.

Each deer is a different being, so they all have different jumping limits, but a safer bet is to install a 7- or 8-foot-tall fence. Accomplishing this height can be done in 2 different ways.

6 Foot + High Tensile Wire or Woven Wire

Many people install 6 foot tall deer fencing (or wire fencing as many people call it) and then run one or two strands of high tensile smooth wire above it. This lets the deer see a 7- or 8-foot-tall fence but allows you to install an easier-to-manage 6-foot-tall mesh. It also gives a slightly less closed-in look because the one or two strands at the top are more of an open feel than the mesh. This type of metal wire farm/agricultural fence has many advantages including that it requires little or no maintenance, lasts a long time, and blends into the surroundings.

7- Or 8-Foot-Tall Woven Wire or Woven Wire

The second option is to simply install a 7- or 8-foot tall fence. Most people install this with woven wire as well in a country/agricultural setting. This animal/deer fencing can also be installed using chain link fencing. Many people really like the black colored chain link fencing as it blends into the background so well.

While it is a bit more expensive to install than typical wire fencing, it provides a really nice and strong property boundary solution. This can be installed at 7 feet and 8 feet tall as well. This type of metal wire farm/agricultural fence has many advantages including that it requires little or no maintenance, lasts a long time, and blends into the surroundings.

How Long Can You Expect Your Fence to Last?

A well-constructed wire fence, although not designed for aesthetic beauty, will serve its intended purpose for usually a minimum of 25 years and often as long as 40-50 years. With our wide variety of experience with all configurations of agricultural fences, we will be glad to help you fence your livestock in or keep all species of pesky wildlife off your residential or commercial property.

10 Ways to Keep Deer Out of Your Yard?

For all of us that are trying to deer proof our yards, we have probably searched on the web and asked neighbors what they recommend. There are a lot of ideas out there, but personally living in a deer zone, I can confirm how brave they are.

Here are a few ideas that we have heard over the years, and they are each worth a try. However, remember to consider that depending on the characteristics of the deer you are seeing some might be better options than other.

For instance, the option we have heard to make more noise would not work with the bucks around my house as even the sound of my children’s dirt bikes flying past them only feet away does not scare them off.

1) Plant Deer Resistant Plants

Choose plants that deer are less likely to eat, such as ones that are spicy or bitter, or have tough or hairy leaves.

There are a lot of gardening sites that have special information for people planting in deer zones. These sites can be a great resource for people that are planning a new yard design or re-doing their current yard. A couple of popular sites for deer-specific planning information are: Garden Design, The Almanac, and House Beautiful.

2) Make Your Garden Smell Bad to Deer

Researchers have found that full-grown deer will eat between 6 and 10 pounds of greenery each day. One of the best lines of defense is to make your backyard smell less appetizing than your neighbors.

Since deer rely heavily on their sense of smell for feeding, adding strongly scented herbs around the yard will help create an aroma that will help deter them. Some examples of plantings you should try are garlic, chives, mint, and lavender.

3) Keep Your Outside Area Clean

By trimming the grass and picking fruit as soon as it is ripe, the deer will have fewer items in your yard, tempting them to come to visit. At the same time, keeping the taller grasses trimmed down low will help with wildfire prevention while at the same time discouraging the deer from bedding down.

4) Let the Dogs Out More

Most dogs are highly effective in deterring deer. The sound of most dogs barking and coming towards them will deter deer from your yard while making fido feel like he is doing a great job as well!

However, you should consider the safety of your dog when using them to deter deer. Some dogs may be more prone to chasing after deer or other animals, which can be dangerous if the deer become aggressive or if the dog gets lost or injured. If you decide to use your dog to deter deer, ensure sure they are well-trained and under control at all times.

5) Use Deer Repellents

There are a variety of deer repellents available that use smells, tastes, or sounds to deter deer from entering your yard. They are found easily online or at your local home improvement store.

Alternatively, natural alternatives are able to be made right in the home. Search for “DIY deer Spray,” and you will find lots of suggestions. While each deer is different, it’s highly probable for deer to dislike the strong smells of garlic, peppermint, chili peppers, and eggs.

The nice thing about deer repellent is that it starts to work right after it is applied, but the downside is that it must be reapplied over time. Rain and irrigation watering washes away the effectiveness of these products. In most cases, these products are either sprayed right onto the plants or granules spread around on the ground near your plantings.

Follow the directions of the product that you choose to use. Generally, to use deer repellent spray, all you need to do is spray your flowers and trees (or anywhere else you’re trying to protect, like raised beds and planters) while they’re dry. This allows the formula to properly adhere itself to the surface once it’s sprayed on.

Some of the higher quality repellents will not need to be reapplied often, but depending on your experience, you might want to reapply after heavy rain or constant irrigation spray, which may wash it offer.

6) Enclose Gardens or Yard Plantings

Enclosing your planting area or garden only with mesh or a fence is always an option if you are not able to enclose the entire property. It is not as ideal to see a fence or mesh coverings obstructing the view of all your hard work in your beautiful garden or yard space, but it does include less footage and hence will be more economical than enclosing your entire property.

7) Fence Your Property

Fencing your property, as discussed above, is the most ideal and permanent solution for solving your deer problems! While all the above suggestions might work or not, creating a permanent fence barrier around your property will definitely work.

While the upfront cost might be more, it is the best of all the options. It is highly effective no matter the deer’s personality and sense of smell. It will last for decades versus having to be reapplied a few times a year or re-planted every few years. It does not involve any oil solutions.

Enclosing the property with a deer fence will offer security for more than just deer.

Lastly, putting mesh fencing around your property will be the most esthetically pleasing as it will not obstruct your view of your beautiful garden, yard, or property you work hard to maintain. Fencing is the best overall choice for deer management.

8) Deer Proof Fence vs. Deer Netting

Rather than installing a deer fence, you also have the option of putting deer netting around your garden or yard. But is it a better choice?

Deer netting is a lightweight, mesh-like material that can be draped over plants or secured around a garden bed to keep deer out. It’s easy to install and can be removed and stored away when not in use. However, deer netting has a few drawbacks. For one, it’s not very durable and can easily be torn or damaged by wind, animals, or people.

On the other hand, metal mesh deer fencing is a more permanent and reliable solution to keep deer out of your yard. It’s made of stronger materials and is designed to withstand the elements and the weight of a deer. A deer-proof fence is also more effective at keeping other animals, such as rabbits and dogs, out of your garden.

9) What About Electric Fencing?

An electric fence is another option for preventing deer from getting into your garden and it’s a pretty effective one. However, in most cases, it is not necessary to use electric fencing. Electric fences are mainly used for larger areas, like farms or pastures, where a more secure option is needed.

Though it only causes a mild shock to deer, you don’t want your pets or kids getting zapped; though they probably won’t do it again, it’s best to avoid electric fencing for regular-size yards or gardens!

10) Making Your Outdoor Space Appealing with a Deer Fence

So you’ve decided to invest in some deer fencing to protect your garden and keep those pesky deer at bay. But how do you make sure the fence fits in with the rest of your landscape design and doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb? There are several options for making your outdoor space look attractive while also keeping deer out.

First and foremost, you’ll want to choose a fence material or design that fits in with the rest of your landscape design. Choose materials that are visually appealing and blend into the surroundings.

Another option is to install landscaping elements around the fence so that it blends into the surrounding area. This could include trees, shrubs, flowers, and other types of vegetation.

A well-built deer fence shouldn’t be an eyesore but rather a stylish and functional addition to your landscape. With the right materials and design, it can be both attractive and effective at keeping deer out of your yard.

The Bottom Line

Properly installed quality deer fencing is a long-term solution to prevent deer from dining out in your garden and damaging your plants.

There’s no better way to say it than deer-proof fencing is your best deer-fense!

Fantastic Fence Construction and Repair Inc is a locally owned and operated fencing company in Rocklin and the greater Sacramento region of California, and we specialize in fence installations, including deer fencing. Every week we assisting customers in the Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Meadow Vista, and Colfax areas for wire fence repairs, replacements and new installations!

Contact us today for a free site visit and fence estimate »
