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Fencing for Dogs: 4 Considerations Before You Install

Fencing for Dogs: 4 Considerations Before You Install

We receive a lot of calls each week from Sacramento-area homeowners with pets whom they need to create a safe yard for. We understand how important it is to create a safe and secure private space for the whole family, including pets. Often, our clients tell us that they are tempted to release their canines to play in the yard but fear they will run away or be kidnapped.

Fantastic Fence didn’t waste much time and came prepared for the calls whether you are trying to create a safe zone for your pet like a dog run or secure a larger property.

This article will help you understand what fence you need to have to protect your pets from the outside world and not keep them captive within the house walls.

How to Choose the Best Dog Fences: 4 Fundamental Considerations

Whether you have a new dog or a different type of pet, there are a lot of different fence options to pick from. Your fence will depend on a few factors, but the most important ones are your animal and the area you want to secure. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to install an electric dog fence, but rather opt for something that will keep your dog safe and sound.

Other things will certainly influence the design and material of your outdoor boundary fence. You need to take into consideration the following:

  • size of the pet,
  • how high it jumps,
  • how much privacy you want to create around your property,
  • sort of fence that will look right in your area.

We have established three criteria that will help you choose the right fence. And if you already have an existing fence, we have included canine barrier designs you could try out in your yard.

1. Dog Fence: Height

When selecting a fence, you need to consider your canine’s height. Some breeds grow into large dogs while others are great jumpers.

So, if you have a retriever that might like to escape in the excitement of chasing a bird flying by, you might need a taller fence than if you have a pug.

Many of our customers opt for a 4- to 6-foot-tall fence depending on what size their pets are. However, you shouldn’t forget about the aesthetics and potentially increasing your house value when selling. This way you will kill two birds with one stone.

You might select between an iron fence if a more open feel is desired. A redwood or vinyl fence gives a more private feel is desired. Recently chain link and wire fences have both become much more popular in residential settings as they have been long used in commercial uses.

2. Dog Fence: Privacy

Property privacy is a big consideration for many homeowners and their furry friends. Privacy fences provide much-needed security and make sure your dog freely runs around and never escapes. On the contrary, a fenced area that doesn’t really seclude and barricade you from the outside world provides an open and welcoming feel.

Such a deal-breaking point must always be thought through. There hasn’t been a day when we didn’t remind our customers to take the privacy factor into consideration. Ask yourself which of the fencing options would make you feel comfortable sitting in the front yard and letting your dog race around.

Each fence style has a different look and function. Here are some options for fencing for dogs:

Wooden Fence

Redwood is the most common fence material, and it offers us a lot of privacy options from the standard residential dog ear fence to a more privacy board-on-board option where we overlap the pickets so the pets cannot see each other through any gaps.

A wooden fence has a natural look that will only complement your property. Our clients who value privacy often opt for a wooden fence over other options. However, if your dog is an active and curious canine, a fully fenced area may appear upsetting and quite dull for them.

Pros of the redwood fence:

+ Natural look

+ Prevents your dog from seeing other pets on the other side

+ Improve the curb appeal

+ Provide security and privacy

+ Cost effective

Cons of the redwood fence:

– Feels more enclosed and your pet can’t see through

– Require more maintenance than other options

Metal Fence

Ornamental iron is a great heavy-duty solution in an area where privacy is NOT a concern. Many of our customers use these in front yards, and in their backyards in settings where the yards face an open space, or the lots are very large between the houses. It is a very durable option that gives a very clean and elegant look.

Something to note—typical spacing of pickets (vertical rungs) is 4 inches apart so if you have a tiny pet this may not be a great solution.

Pros of the ornamental iron fence:

+ Adds value to your house

+ Durable

+ Affordable

+ Keeps big dogs contained

Cons of the ornamental iron fence:

– Small dogs may squeeze through

– Other small animals may enter your yard

Chain link/wire are great economical and long-lasting fence solutions. They typically have more of an open feel that you can see through, but with chain link, we can install it with privacy slats for more privacy. This is a fantastic near-maintenance-free fence solution that is economical to install.

A wire fence is a durable option for pets that tend to destroy things around the property. If your beloved family doggo is an escape artist, a wire fence is a strong enough obstacle to keep all the residents within the property area.

From our experience, if dogs like digging, the well-buried wire fence won’t fall down.

Pros of the chain link fence:

+ Easy to maintain

+ Affordable

+ See-through option

Cons of the chain link fence:

– Dogs can use a chain link fence as a ladder to climb over it

– Lack of privacy

– Might not be suitable for all terrains

Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fence is a very clean fence solution if you are looking for a neat and modern look. This fence style offers fantastic privacy and low maintenance over the years as two common reasons it has become so popular.

A vinyl fence won’t rot or decay and it is considered a reasonable long-term investment. However, there is a particular deal-breaking drawback. If you have pets jump up on it a lot, this may cause it to become visibly damaged faster than the other styles. This is something to consider when thinking about your options.

Pros of the vinyl fence:

+ Improves the curb appeal

+ Long-lasting

+ Durable

+ Provides privacy and security

Cons of the vinyl fence:

– Costly

– Dogs may damage the fence

3. Dog Fence: Spacing

Dogs aren’t as flexible as cats but they too can slip through openings and escape. When choosing a fence, think about whether your pup can squeeze through it. Ideally, the distance between pickets should be around 3 inches. Most breeds would have difficulty running away. However, if you have a puppy or exceptionally small or slim canine (e.g., Yorkshire Terrier or Greyhound), don’t leave them unsupervised in your yard or opt for fences with no space.

4. Dog Fence: The Maintenance Required

For the most part, fences require little maintenance over the year. We recommend you look at your fence one time a year and give it a push looking for rotten posts or weak rails. At the same time, you can check and see if your pet has gotten into some mischief over the year and if there is anything that needs to be repaired.

If you want to install maintenance-free fences, the best in most settings are chain link, vinyl, and iron. A close second would be a nice redwood fence when built with hidden steel posts. Some people worry about the maintenance of redwood fences, but they have fantastic durability when installed with hidden steel posts.

Dog Run / Dog Kennel

There are a lot of benefits to building a dog run in your backyard for your pet. Dog runs have been becoming increasingly popular because it gives your pet an area that they know is their own and they can feel safe and relaxed. Many homeowners find many advantages to building a well-constructed dog run including:

  • They provide a place for your puppy to safely play unsupervised
  • A dog run provides a designated area for your dog to run, play, and go to the bathroom without destroying your yard plants and furniture, and pool
  • They provide your pet with a safe and comfortable area to be outside instead of cooped up inside when you are gone which is better for their well being

Please keep in mind these dog runs and kennels are intended to provide your pet with temporary shelter and safe places to exercise. They are not intended to keep your dog housed all the time.

Why Install a Dog Fence

Most breeds are active and require daily physical activity. If you leave for work or simply can’t walk your pup multiple times a day, installing a dog fence will provide a safe space for your canine to run and play.

Letting your dog stay in your yard will also give you time to air and clean the house from the smell and fur.

If you have a properly installed fence with limited spacing, you won’t have to constantly worry and supervise your furry friend. There is also absolutely no need to leash your dog since no one would be able to enter your yard and your pup won’t be able to wander off.

How Much Does a Dog Fence Cost?

It is hard to estimate how much you will need to pay for a dog fence. There are factors that may increase the total price, such as terrain, material, size, and length.

Here are some of the estimates:

  • Redwood dog ear – $40 to $45 per foot
  • Redwood cap and tin – $47 to $52 per foot
  • Redwood board on board with a cap – $53 to $58 per foot
  • Chain link fence with no slats – $40+ per foot
  • Chain link fence with privacy slats – $46+ per foot
  • Ornamental iron – $45 to $50 per foot
  • Vinyl privacy fence (6-foot) – $55+ per foot
  • Vinyl 3-rail ranch fence – $30+ per foot
  • T-post and wire farm fence – $20+ per foot

Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I install fence panels?

The first thing you need to check is the local law. Make sure you are allowed to install fences. Next, inspect the area around your house to determine the best place to have the fence.

You can be creative with dog fencing. What we mean is creating a medium-sized island where your small dog can run around.

Which fence panels require the least maintenance?

Vinyl and metal dog fences require the least maintenance. However, vinyl fencing can easily be scratched if your canines like to go wild in the yard. Among metal fences, we suggest getting iron and wire fencing as they are affordable and take little time to maintain.

How tall should a fence be to keep dogs in the yard?

The height of your fence will depend on the height and physical capabilities of your canine. Most customers go for 4- or 6-feet tall fences. Your needs may vary. And if you have a small dog, it can squeeze in between pickets.

Is chain link fence good for dogs?

A chain link fence is a great option for those homeowners who have a limited budget. Overall, it is a great fencing option in terms of maintenance and durability. However, your dog may use the chain links to climb up and get over to the other side.

How do I keep my small dog from escaping an iron fence?

The best way to prevent your dog from escaping the property is to apply chicken wire or hardware cloth. It will make it harder to climb up and, hopefully, will keep your canine within the premises.

What is the best solution for dogs that like to dig?

Sometimes it can be difficult to force your dog to act against its instincts. Training does help in teaching your pet from digging; however, it takes time to acquire good discipline. Fortunately, there are some tricks you can do:

  • Walk your dog at least twice a day – Your canine may start digging simply because of the lack of entertainment and exercise
  • Purchase dog toys – Get your furry friend a few active toys and play with them as much as possible
  • Teach commands – Your puppy needs attention, discipline, and sufficient exercises throughout the day to prevent it from getting bored

Durable Dog Fences Guaranteed

There are plenty of creative dog fence ideas that you can opt for to make your canine happy. Proper fencing will prevent dogs from escaping home and keep them sheltered from strangers. Remember to dedicate enough space to run around when you are not in the mood for a walk. The space factor is especially important for larger dogs.

Fantastic Fence is dedicated to installing durable and quality fences that will keep your pets inside and also improve the curb appeal of your house.

Looking for the best fence for your Sacramento-area yard? We would love to meet with you to find the perfect fence for your pets! Reach out to us for a free fence estimate »

Looking for more helpful information on installation? Take a look at these answers to common fencing questions!

Looking for the best fence for your Sacramento-area yard? We would love to meet with you to find your perfect fence for your pets! Reach out to us for a free fence estimate »

Looking for more helpful information on installation? Take a look at these answers to common fencing questions!
