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What Is a Woven Wire Fence?

What Is a Woven Wire Fence?

If you own farm animals, live on a large piece of property in the country on acreage, or are looking for an affordable fence solution, a Woven wire fence is something you should seriously consider. It’s a practical solution that will keep your animals and pets safe and sound, offering you peace of mind for many years to come.

This type of fencing is suitable for large animals like horses and cattle, as well as smaller livestock like sheep and goats. Many property owners choose woven wire fence for not only their perimeter fence, but for corral fence of dog run fences as well. If you’re in the market for affordable and versatile fencing, this might be a solution for you.

If you have a vegetable garden, a woven wire fence is also a great solution for this. It allows the sun to come in and your plants to grow and flourish, while keeping deer and other animals from eating your growing vegetables and plants.

What Is a Woven Wire Fence?

Woven wire fence is designed to keep farm animals and pets secure, keeping them on your property, as well as keeping them safe from predators. It’s a fence with vertical and horizontal wires connected to form a grid. Known also as an American wire, box wire, wire mesh, or non-climb, it’s one of the most practical and common solutions for fencing available on the market.

Woven wire has the cross pieces wrapped around each other at the joints, making a very tough joint. A tight grid of wires allows you to keep even small animals separated. The typical spacing is 2 inches tall by 4 inches wide for non climb fencing mesh. This fencing can prove to be effective in securing rabbits, dogs, or goats, as much as large cattle and horses.

Woven wire fence is also known for its durability and practicality. This fencing can be functional for even up to 35 years. Of course, this will also depend on the installation process, but a good company is able to deliver such results.

There are two main types of Woven fencing: high-tensile Woven wire and non-high-tensile Woven wire.

High-tensile fencing is more robust, offering better protection and endurance. It’s suitable for larger animals, as it’s highly unlikely this fence will get damaged at any point.

Non-high-tensile Woven wire will make more sense if you don’t expect any harsh external factors to affect your fencing.

Both options come with significant advantages, and the choice between them will come down to what are your priorities and budget (as you can expect, high-tensile Woven wire is more expensive).

You also have the chance to customize your fence. Some choose to install Woven fences with driven metal T-Posts for an even better lifespan than the standard wood posts, also called peeler cores. With wire fencing like this, we highly recommend using all metal posts as well to extend the life of the fence. While wood posts will rot and fail over time, using metal T posts and corner 2 ⅜ inch round posts cemented into the ground is the best fence solution.

Difference between Woven Wire and Welded Wire Fence?

Woven wire fences are constructed with a wire knot “woven” at the junctions of the horizontal and vertical wires. Woven wire fence is a durable, long-lasting fencing option for your home or ranch. Whether you have large animals, pets, or no animals at all this strong wire fence option is a great choice. It is an affordable way to secure animals on your property while keeping intruding animals or unwanted people out. Depending on your needs, woven wire fence comes in a variety of mesh opening sizes and heights.

Welded wire fence comes with a similar grid-like pattern of horizontal and vertical wires, however, the big difference is that each of the junctions is held together with a small spot weld instead of with a “weave”. While one advantage of welded wire fence is that it is slightly cheaper than woven wire, it is not as strong or durable. Over time these welds tend to break leaving you with an insecure and dangerous fence. Additionally, these welds do not hold up as well with animals that will rub up against, push, or try to climb on the fence. Welded wire can be used for small animals or gardens in some instances.

Which is better – Woven wire or Welded Wire? At Fantastic Fence we have found that the clear winner of wire fences continues to be Woven Wire. Taking into account its durability and the fact that the cost difference is relatively small between wire to welded wire, we have found that the best wire fence has been woven wire.

How Far Apart Should Fence Post Be for Woven Wire?

One of the most significant benefits this type of fencing offers is its durability. This means that the Woven wire fence post spacing can be more stretched apart. And that is why one of the most popular fence designs is the 13-48-6 fence, with posts that are 10 feet apart.

All the numbers in the name of the fence have meaning. In this case, 13 describes the number of strands of wire running horizontally. The second number tells us about the height, which for this fence is 48 inches. And the 6 indicates that the vertical wire is spaced every 6 inches.

Of course, the spacing between posts can be adjusted to your needs. If you care about more durable fencing, then those spaces should be smaller.

But a 10 feet post spacing in the 13-48-3 fence with 2-inch x 4-inch openings is a solid option if you’re looking for proper horse fencing. These dimensions offer excellent stability and are safe for the animals. For example, mesh wire with 2-inch x 4-inch openings prevents animals’ hooves from getting stuck in them.

What fence wire gauge should you have?

For the best results, we recommend going with a minimum of 12.5 gauge wire unless you’re considering high-tensile steel. A 12.5 gauge standard steel wire will not be as strong as a 14 gauge high-tensile steel wire, but it’s still a qualitative choice.

The same cannot be said about galvanized welded wire fabric, which is often used as a substitute for steel. Although it technically does the job of separating animals from terrains they should not be on, it’s not a durable material, which means it can be easily destroyed by the animals or some challenging external conditions. It’s a more affordable option, but you’re forced to compromise on the quality.

The Brace System

To achieve the required stability, it’s also essential to properly brace the fence. You should place the posts at least four feet into the ground, leaving eight feet of space between them. A horizontal pole is then run between the two posts. It is reinforced by a diagonal wire, holding the construction together.

How to Stretch Woven Wire Fence?

Stretching your woven fence alone can be time-consuming and taxing, especially if you’re unsure how to tackle it. It can be done, but if you don’t want to get your hands dirty and wish to benefit from the support of experts in the industry, you can contact us, and we’ll be able to assist you with this project.

Here are the necessary steps you’ll need to take in order to stretch your fence.

Gather the equipment

You’ll need all the materials to build a fence, like posts, wire, and a wire-twisting tool,, a come-along, a woven wire fence stretcher, as well as 2 wooden boards (1”x4”), 3 bolts, post clips, and a wrench.

Unroll the wire

This can be done in various ways. The easiest way would be to tie one end of the fence to a post and unrollthe rest as you move away from said post. The taller the fence is the more difficult this is to do.

In these instances with a taller fence, or if you have hundreds of feet to install, we would recommend using a tractor unroller or some kind of steel post that will offer you an adequate leverage point.

Tie the wire to the first post

After you’ve unrolleda few feet of the wire, you can secureit to the first post. Cut out the knot in each row along the width of the wired fence. This way, you’ll be able to wrap the wire around the post.

Tie each piece of wire around the post. Next, use the wire twister to twist the loose end of the wire. Repeat this process as you go.

Stretch the wire

Now, it’s time to stretch your wire in order to strengthen the construction and avoid any ripples. You’re going to need two wooden boards. Place them together next to each other and drill three holes across the length of the boards.

Place bolts through the holes and tighten them with a nut. This is the clamp that you’ll be using during the stretching process.

Now place the wire fence between the two boards and tighten the bolts to keep the fence between them. Use a come-along and a stretcher bar to pull the wire and eliminate any looseness from it. Once that is done, you can secure the wire to the post using clips and repeat the same process for every post.

Using this provisional clamp will help you even out the pressure, which is something you want to do in this construction – this way, you won’t leave any spots deformed, and the fence will be strong and durable.

Why Is Woven Wire Fence a Fantastic Choice for Your Farm Fencing?

What are the advantages of woven wire fence for your property?

  • Stellar protection – this fence will protect your animals from escaping and getting hurt. It will keep the predators out, offering you peace of mind.
  • Durability – steel fence will be the right choice if you’re after something that will stand the test of time. A woven fence is very durable, even in the harshest conditions, so you can be sure it’s an investment for decades to come.
  • Safe for the animals – construction of the fence is safe for hoofed animals and pets like dogs as well.
  • Electrified wire can be added – you may also add a strip of electric fence tape to the top of the fence to keep animals from leaning on or over your new fence.
  • Affordable – wire mesh fence is one of the most affordable perimeter or corral fencing options. If you have a lot of fence to install or if cost is an important factor, this might be a great option for your home, farm, or ranch.
  • 100% American-made – fences offered by Fantastic Fence are made in the States, so you know you’re supporting the local markets and communities.

Overall, a woven wire fence is one of the best options for farming fences, providing you with a high level of protection and endurance.

Woven Wire Fence Installation

If you’re looking for a reliable contractor for your Woven Wire Fence installation, contact us today! We’re a company with years of experience in the industry and a mastery of country wire fence installations. We know what it takes to install such a fence properly, so you can benefit from the results for many years.

We work with the best materials, choosing the products that offer the most optimal performance and value for our clients. We have experience in fencing small and large properties, always selecting solutions that will work for you – even if that requires an individual approach.

If you have any questions regarding your project, call us at 916-790-7100. We will be happy to give you a free estimate of your project, offering our expertise so you can decide what fencing to choose based on reliable information.

Completing a Woven fence installation by yourself can be challenging for numerous reasons. Trust the company with years of experience and passion for fence installations and repairs. Let Fantastic Fence be part of your story, and sleep well, knowing your fence will stand the test of time!
